
January, 22, 2018

I'm always researching information about nutrition and this was a good resource I came across.  I fall between an Ovo Vegetarian (eat eggs occasionally) and Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian (eat Feta cheese and other cheeses sparingly).  I primarily choose vegan cheeses and vegan options, but I don't necessarily box myself in.  The one thing I don't eat is meat and haven't for six months.  I want to say that this didn't just happen overnight.  It was a process, which began with me cutting out red meat and pork about six years ago.  I decided to try a Pescatarian diet about two years ago, and cut out meat altogether six months ago. 

I encourage you to do what's best for your body.  You know your body best, but I do suggest making the healthiest choices you can.  I also encourage you to research as well.  

January 28, 2018

This is a great comparison chart for those considering cutting back on beef.  As you can see you don't miss out on much with the switch, but it's definitely a healthier option.  This is one of the brands I love to cook with as well, particularly because there is no soy in their products.  Check out the link above to see more of their products.  I look forward to hearing from you and seeing your meal creations!!!


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