This is Us

“Super Bowl Sunday...all of your questions will be answered...set your DVR to record extra time because the game may run over.”
***Spoiler Alert***

This is Us is a phenomenal show that airs on NBC and it is genius the way the story lines are written.  The connectivity from the past to the future is brilliant.  Well on this show, there is a father named Jack Pearson, who has died and the viewers have never known how.  The writers have teased us a few times, but we’ve never known how he died, just that he did. Week after week, we’re asking ourselves how Jack died, even though deep down we absolutely love Jack.  Well, in the most cleaver way, the last breaths of our beloved Jack Pearson are on a Super Bowl Sunday; and the writers decide to reveal the details of how after the 2018 Super Bowl!!!  Who does that right?  Geniuses that’s who.  This means we will have to wait three more days from the normal scheduled airing, but that’s ok, because we need time to prepare ourselves.  Jack is that dude, everyone’s dad, best friend, husband...I mean the writers nailed it with this character.  I’m sure Milo Ventimiglia, actor who plays Jack, has become a household favorite and it will feel like we've lost a family member.  But, through this revelation and loss so many questions will be answered for us.  Questions about how Kate, Kevin, and Randle, (children) became who they are, how they developed their issues, how Rebecca (wife) ended up marrying Jack’s best friend, how, why, when, what, etc.???  So many questions, and now the door will be opened to so many we prepare ourselves after knowing the truth.
I would dare to say, even though this is a TV storyline, this is us.  What do I mean?  Well, this cycle of questioning ourselves and making assumptions, and questioning and assuming, that drives us crazy at times.  We often become frustrated when we don't get the results in the time frame we want them in.  Week after week, month after month, year after year, we continue working toward our goals, and every now and then we see a breakthrough, but it's not quite what we're looking for.  I'm here to tell you that we have to trust the process.  I know that's easier said than done, because there are times when we wonder if anything will happen.  But, just as in the story above, we had to stick it out and trust the writers' process.  If they gave us the truth about Jack's death early on, they probably wouldn't have as much interest built into the show.  Viewers would be interested, but it's the unknown and suspense and that kept us coming back every week, and will keep us on the edge until the big reveal next Sunday.  

That's the same with us.  Easy results don't last and we lose appreciation of the process along the way.  Continue coming back each day, each week, each month, each year, and your efforts will pay off.  You'll look up and realize those big breakthrough moments are all worth the wait.  You find out who you really are during the process and you become stronger each day.  I know you're on the edge and wanting something to shake, but trust the process and continue preparing yourselves.  Your big breakthrough is coming!!! 

Daws Lady


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