
It's 9:00 a.m. and I'm loading my car to head to a dental appointment.  I wanted to leave my house by that time so I could get to my appointment early.  It wasn't until 10:00 a.m., but I figured if I got there early, I could get done early and get to work by noon.  I had prepared everything the night before and gotten up early, even worked in some morning cardio of boxing and jump ropes, so I was confident that I would be able to leave on time.  I press the button on the wall to open the garage and it raises a little, then closes back down.  "Hmm, that's strange" is what I was saying to myself.  I press it again and it does the same thing; so I figured I would try the garage remote to see if I would get different results.  I press the button on the remote and the exact same thing happened.  At this point, I'm getting frustrated, so I walk outside and try to see what may be going on.  I come back inside and pull the red string to manually release the garage, then I try to manually lift the garage.  NOTHING.  I go back outside and try to lift the garage.  NOTHING.  I'm definitely frustrated now because it's 9:30 a.m. and I had a dental appointment at 10:00 a.m.  I finally decide to call for help after trying it my way several times.  

It was clear, that I needed to reschedule my appointment and get assistance if I planned on getting out of my garage.  I sucked up my pride and called the landlord to come assist me.  Once he arrived he assessed the situation and asked a few questions.  He looked at the garage and attempted to get it to raise, but he wasn't having any luck either.  He was able to discover the cause of it being stuck, but wasn't able to raise the garage.  He made a few attempts before he realized that he would need assistance as well; so he called the maintenance man to come help him lift the garage door.  Even though he knew what to do, this task was too heavy for him as well.  Once the maintenance man arrived, they were able to lift the heavy door TOGETHER and I was able to continue on with my day.

Why the backstory Daws?  Well, this story has many similarities to our healthy living journeys.  Take a moment and think about where you were in your life when you first started on your journey, or where you are now as you prepare to begin your journey.  Like myself, many of us become stuck in a rut.  We have tried so many different ways to lose weight, to only become more frustrated when we didn't get the results we were looking for.  Many of us continued trying on our own, but the reality is, you need support on this journey.  I always say, you have to do this for YOU, but it does help to have a support system in place.  No one reaches success alone, as much as people like to think they are solely responsible for their success.  If they are truly honest with themselves, they will admit they had help along the way.  I like the quote by Simon Sinek, founder of Sinek Partners, "Success always takes help. Failure is done alone."  This statement is so powerful and encapsulates everything aforementioned.  

We all need help at some point in our lives just as I needed help with the garage door, as well as the landlord.  Reclaiming your life and becoming the boss of your health can be a heavy load to lift alone.  This blog was created to serve as that support system for people who need help lifting the load and feel stuck in their journey.  You could be stuck in getting started, stuck at a plateau, or stuck on what to do next.  No matter where you are in your healthy living journey, I am here to help and support you along the way, as I welcome your help and support as well.  TOGETHER we can do this and I look forward to our travels together.  See you soon and remember, you're the boss of your health!

Daws Lady


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